
Mentioned about Femaura was in Language Show

Thank you to WIKTOR K for allowing to publishing this at his website.

There is no easy way to write this post without sounding pompous. Let me start with a story.

“The Language Show means that you meet lots of people. Some are interested in what you offer – some others want to work with you. Yi Savva came around to ask us a question. Actually, he and his interpreter came around. Yi used sign language – his interpreter spoke to us in English. Yi’s question was simple: Do we know what audism is?

We didn’t know, and we were a bit embarrassed to discover that the word is missing from the dictionary proudly displayed on our stand. Yi was awesome though – he explained this to us and we ended up chatting about audism and sign language for a while. I ended up trying to decipher his sign language before the interpreter bailed me out.

The thought I had a bit later, though, is the one that inspired this post: Yi had to learn his languages in a completely different way. Not harder, not easier – just very different.”